

작성일 : 15-11-04 11:27
IEEE NEMS 2016, 17th−20th April 2016, Matsushima Bay and Sendai, Japan
 글쓴이 : 관리자
조회 : 7,287  
11th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS) 17th−20th April 2016, Matsushima Bay and Sendai, Japan
 November 7, 2015
Welcome to IEEE-NEMS 2016!
IEEE-NEMS 2016 is an annual flagship conference focusing on advanced research areas related to MEMS, nanotechnology, and molecular technology. Prior conferences were held in Xi’an (China 2015), Hawaii (USA, 2014), Suzhou (China, 2013), Kyoto (Japan, 2012), Kaohsiung (Taiwan, 2011), Xiamen (China, 2010), Shenzhen (China, 2009), Hainan Island (China, 2008), Bangkok (Thailand, 2007), and Zhuhai (China, 2006). The conference typically has ~350 attendees with participants from more than 20 countries and regions world-wide.
Other attractions of IEEE-NEMS 2016 are found on the backside of this page.
We invite contributions describing the latest scientific and technological research results in subjects including, but are not limited to:
w   Nanophotonics
w   Nanomaterials
w   Carbon Nanotube based Devices and Systems
w   Nanoscale Robotics, Assembly, and Automation
w   Molecular Sensors, Actuators, and Systems
w   Integration of MEMS/NEMS with Molecular Sensors/ Actuators
w   Micro-fluidics and Nano-fluidics
w   Micro/Nanomechanics and instrumentation
w   Nano-biology, Nano-bio-informatics, Nano-medicine
w   Micro and Nano Fabrication
w   Micro/Nanoelectro-mechanical Systems (M/NEMS)
We are looking forward to seeing you in Matsushima Bay and Sendai, Japan
If you have any inquiries, please contact us.
Secretariat of 11th IEEE International Conference
on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS)
IEEE NEMS program office
c/o Semiconductor Portal, Inc.
Tel: 81-3-5733-4971

IEEE-NEMS 2016 in Matsushima Bay and Sendai, Japan
Cherry blossom in Matsushima bay
Matsushima is one of the greatest views of Japan near Sendai, and the conference venue from the second day (April 18-20, 2016), Hotel Matsushima Taikanso, is the largest Japanese-style resort hotel in the north area of Japan. The conference is held in the most expected week of cherry (Sakura) blossom in this area. On the first day (April 17, 2016), Premium Tutorial by Prof. Masayoshi Esashi, Tohoku University is given in Sendai L-Park in the downtown of Sendai. You have a chance to visit MEMS facilities in Tohoku University as the official technical tour. In the afternoon, iCAN 2016 Japan Selection is also held in the same place.
We are expecting about 300 oral and poster presentations in the fields of MEMS, NEMS, nanomaterials, molecular engineering, micro/nano-manipulation and assembly, nano-biology and other related technologies in nano/micro-world. In addition to sessions, the conference is preparing attractive events to enhance the global network of researchers and engineers as well as to experience Japanese culture and nature.
Grand banquet and After-party
The grand banquet is in Japanese traditional party “Enkai” style in a huge tatami room. You can enjoy a music show and a participatory event by a Sendai-local girl pop group “Iris”. After the grand banquet, you are recommended to move to after-party with your friends and colleagues in Japanese-style guest room. For the after-party, drinks and foods including local specialties will be prepared, and you can purchase what you like at the hotel store after tasting them. The tasting and sales corner will be also set up in the poster session on April 18.
The conference is preparing 3 courses of attractive excursion; A: Sakura (cherry blossom) course, B: Matsushima and recovery-from-Tsunami course and C: Sendai town walking course (The courses will be subject to change). You can register the order of courses of your preference at the advanced registration.
More detail information will be provided on the website of IEEE-NEMS 2016 soon.