

작성일 : 13-02-14 17:19
In 2013, Hub City of Asian Culture recruits the 6th student reporter
 글쓴이 : 장지영
조회 : 2,080  
   application(Recruitment_6th_student_reporter).docx  DATE : 2013-02-14 17:19:47
   notice(Recruitment_6th_student_reporter).docx  DATE : 2013-02-14 17:19:47
   아시아문화중심도시_제6기_대학생기자단_공고문.hwp  DATE : 2013-02-14 17:19:47
   아시아문화중심도시_제6기_대학생기자단_선발_공고문_게재_협조_요청.hwp  DATE : 2013-02-14 17:19:47
   아시아문화중심도시_제6기_대학생기자단_지원서.hwp  DATE : 2013-02-14 17:19:47
This is the notice about In 2013, Hub City of Asian Culture recruits the 6th student reporter.
If you have much interest in Asian culture, Asian Culture Complex and exchanging culture, do not miss this chance.
Please refer to the attached file.