

작성일 : 15-12-09 09:28
Congratulations!!! Nomin
 글쓴이 : 이동원
조회 : 2,487  
RSI MS# A151610RR
Title: Self-Adjustable Four-Point Probing System Using Polymeric 3D Coils and Non-toxic Liquid Metal
Authors: Oyunbaatar Nomin, YS Choi, and Dong-Weon Lee

Dear Prof. Lee,

Your manuscript has been accepted for publication in Review of Scientific Instruments. At this time, the manuscript has not as yet been scheduled for a particular issue and/or given an AIP code number. Please allow at least 5 business days before checking the AMSIS website for any further production information.

Thank you for your contribution to the Journal.


Xinghua Lu
Associate Editor
Review of Scientific Instruments