

작성일 : 16-12-23 13:33
Congratulations!!!! Dr. Arun
 글쓴이 : 관리자
조회 : 2,536  
   Au Decorated ZnO hierarchical architectures.pdf  DATE : 2016-12-23 13:34:05
Article title: Au Decorated ZnO hierarchical architectures: Facile synthesis, tunable morphology and enhanced CO detection at room temperature Article reference: SNB21362 Journal title: Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical Corresponding author: Professor D-W Lee First author: Dr. S Arunkumar Final version published online: 23-Dec-2016 DOI information: 10.1016/j.snb.2016.11.152
Dear Professor Lee,
We are pleased to inform you that the final version of your article with full bibliographic details is now available online.