

작성일 : 18-05-22 21:18
Happy to inform this new publication (Tianfeng Hou's paper)
 글쓴이 : 이동원
조회 : 2,493  
Ms. Ref. No.:  HE-D-17-05158R1
Title: ZnO/Cu2O-decorated rGO: Heterojunction Photoelectrode with Improved Solar Water Splitting Performance International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Dear Professor Lee,
I am pleased to inform you that your paper "ZnO/Cu2O-decorated rGO: Heterojunction Photoelectrode with Improved Solar Water Splitting Performance" has been accepted for publication in the  International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
Yours sincerely,
Karel Bouzek
Special Issue Managing Guest Editor
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy